Mini Episode

Ep. 71.5 - Mini-Episode - Oops All Housekeeping!

It's a super quick mini-episode this week at Plus One to Hijinks. With Memorial Day weekend fast approaching that means KublaCon kicks off today in Burlingame, California. Eric, Jordan and Stephen will all be repping the Hijinkscrew at the con so if you happen to spot them, be sure to say hi!

Also we're looking to do a second Q&A episode sometime soon and want your questions! You can send them in to us via our email, or you can hit us up on Facebook, Twitter or at!

Right click and select "Save As" to download the episode. 

Ep. 69.75 - Mini-Episode - Stephen Talks Infinity Gauntlet

Say have you all heard about this "Infinity War" thing that's coming out this week? Some sort of movie about superheroes if you can believe it. And it turns out, the dang thing was a comic before it was a movie! Isn't that something?! The whole thing looks really confusing to us but luckily we have our resident comics expert Stephen on hand to talk about it. The comic part at least. We haven't seen the movie yet. Tune in and listen as the Hijinks crew talk about the insanity that is comics from the early 90s and put forth some predictions on what they think will happen in Avengers: Infinity War.

Right click and select "Save As" to download the episode.